Gulf Coast Police Motorcycle Skills Championship returns to Gonzales

Staff Report
Hundreds of motor divisions from various law enforcement agencies across the country have been testing their skills at Cabelas in Gonzales.

The Gulf Coast Police Motorcycle Skills Championship competition has returned to Gonzales, welcoming hundreds of motorcycles from law enforcement agencies across the country.

The event is held at the Cabela's location near Interstate 10 and Tanger Outlet in Gonzales.

All proceeds from the event benefit the Dream Day Foundation and St. Jude Hospital.

The event is open to the public at no charge. The competition runs from Oct. 14 at 8 a.m. to the evening of Oct. 15.

"We are excited this event is back and honored to be a hosting agency," an Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office spokesperson stated.

For more information, see www.gulfcoastmotorcylcerodeo.com.